In today’s world, it is essen­tial that con­trol cen­ters can coor­di­nate pati­ent trans­ports smoothly and in real time. With MOXI, we offer an advan­ced plat­form that signi­fi­cantly impro­ves the work­flow of con­trol cen­ters. Bene­fit from our inno­va­tive dis­patching tech­no­logy, which not only mini­mi­zes admi­nis­tra­tive effort, but also pre­vents dou­ble boo­kings and increa­ses pati­ent and part­ner satis­fac­tion. Expe­ri­ence how simple and effi­ci­ent pati­ent logi­stics can be.


Dis­po­si­tion challenge

Dis­patching pati­ent trans­por­ta­tion is an enorm­ously com­plex task for con­trol cen­tres. The need to con­stantly orga­nize a large num­ber of trans­ports with dif­fe­rent requi­re­ments and prio­ri­ties while coor­di­na­ting various means of trans­port and dri­vers makes the pro­cess com­pli­ca­ted and time-consuming.

Avai­la­bi­lity pro­blems with pre-planning

When pre-plan­ning pati­ent jour­neys, con­trol cen­ters often encoun­ter the pro­blem of insuf­fi­ci­ent avai­la­bi­lity. Matching pati­ent requests with free capa­ci­ties of trans­port ser­vices can be a tedious task that often leads to delays and inef­fi­ci­ent use of resources.

Tele­phone com­mu­ni­ca­tion hurdles

Nowa­days, most com­mu­ni­ca­tion bet­ween con­trol cen­ters, trans­port ser­vices and medi­cal faci­li­ties takes place by tele­phone. This often pushes call takers to their limits, as they are under pres­sure to pro­vide accu­rate infor­ma­tion as quickly as pos­si­ble while at the same time having to deal with the next request. Not only can this approach lead to mis­com­mu­ni­ca­tion, but it also puts a strain on the effi­ci­ency and work­flow of the con­trol center.


With MOXI, you not only opti­mize your pro­ces­ses, but also raise the ser­vice of your con­trol cen­ter to a whole new level.

Effi­ci­ent scheduling

MOXI’s inno­va­tive plat­form revo­lu­tio­ni­zes the sche­du­ling of pati­ent trans­ports. Intel­li­gent auto­ma­tion and a clear user inter­face enable smooth plan­ning and coor­di­na­tion of transportation.

Opti­mi­zed avai­la­bi­lity planning

MOXI pro­vi­des you with a trans­pa­rent over­view of all available trans­port ser­vices in real time. Bot­t­len­ecks are avo­ided and the punc­tua­lity of pati­ent jour­neys is guaranteed.

Sepa­ra­tion of KTW and taxi/rental car

MOXI auto­ma­ti­cally dif­fe­ren­tia­tes bet­ween ambu­lance jour­neys and taxi/rental car jour­neys, fur­ther redu­cing the workload on your con­trol cen­ter. This ensu­res that each type of jour­ney is opti­mally coor­di­na­ted and car­ried out efficiently.

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion 2.0

No more end­less phone calls. MOXI offers a cen­tral com­mu­ni­ca­tion plat­form that sim­pli­fies the sha­ring of infor­ma­tion and the coor­di­na­tion of transportation.

Relief for your call takers

By mini­mi­zing manual inter­ven­tion and sepa­ra­ting dif­fe­rent jour­ney types, MOXI redu­ces the work pres­sure on your call takers.

Inte­gra­tion and customization

MOXI inte­gra­tes seam­lessly into exis­ting sys­tems and can be adapted to the spe­ci­fic needs of your con­trol center.


Visua­liza­tion of our technology

Immerse yours­elf in the world of MOXI: dis­co­ver how our tech­no­logy works smoothly as a stand-alone solu­tion or inte­gra­tes seam­lessly into your exis­ting ope­ra­ti­ons con­trol sys­tems. MOXI gives you maxi­mum fle­xi­bi­lity and effi­ci­ency — regard­less of how you want to use our platform.


Data pro­tec­tion & security

The secu­rity of your data is MOXI’s top prio­rity. Our plat­form and our ser­vice are not only GDPR-com­pli­ant, but have also been deve­lo­ped accor­ding to the prin­ci­ple of “Pri­vacy by Design”. We rely on estab­lished data pro­tec­tion stan­dards in the health­care sec­tor, inclu­ding IHE and BSI. We also host data exclu­si­vely in Ger­many to ensure the hig­hest level of secu­rity and data pro­tec­tion. With MOXI, you can rest assu­red that data pro­tec­tion is always our top priority.


At MOXI, we believe in cus­to­mi­zed solu­ti­ons. That’s why we offer cus­to­mi­zed pri­cing opti­ons to ensure our plat­form fits your needs and bud­get. Cont­act us today to get a quote tail­o­red to you. In addi­tion, we offer the ability to seam­lessly inte­grate our plat­form into your exis­ting ope­ra­ti­ons con­trol sys­tem (ELS) to fur­ther opti­mize your ope­ra­ti­ons. Let’s work tog­e­ther to make your pati­ent trans­por­ta­tion more effi­ci­ent and cost-effective.


At MOXI, we focus on coope­ra­tion and under­stan­ding. We know that every con­trol cen­ter, every hos­pi­tal and every region has its own spe­ci­fic chal­lenges. Ins­tead of offe­ring you a one-size-fits-all solu­tion, we want to work with you and the hos­pi­tals in your city or region to find out which solu­tion really makes sense. We believe in pro­blem-ori­en­ted action and the value of cus­to­mi­zed approa­ches. Let’s work tog­e­ther to pro­vide exactly the sup­port you need. We are ready to lis­ten, learn and grow together.


Working clo­sely with hos­pi­tals and regio­nal part­ners, we strive to deve­lop cus­to­mi­zed solu­ti­ons that are tail­o­red pre­cis­ely to the needs and cha­rac­te­ristics of your region. Your local know­ledge com­bi­ned with our exper­tise forms the basis for an opti­mal ser­vice. Let us work hand in hand to find the best pos­si­ble way together.