Our vision for mobi­lity in the health­care sec­tor can only become rea­lity with strong part­ners like you. Every step taken by a medi­cal faci­lity, a trans­port ser­vice or an ambu­lance ser­vice mul­ti­plies the posi­tive impact on pati­ents and their fami­lies. MOXI repres­ents this trans­for­ma­tive move­ment, and your invol­vement can make all the dif­fe­rence. Let’s break down bar­riers tog­e­ther and usher in a new era of relia­ble and effi­ci­ent pati­ent trans­por­ta­tion. Be part of this inspi­ring journey.


As a trans­port ser­vice pro­vi­der, you are often faced with the chall­enge of kee­ping track of your orders and ope­ra­ting eco­no­mic­ally. Our plat­form is more than just a tool; it’s your part­ner in kee­ping your busi­ness run­ning smoothly and pro­fi­ta­bly. Join us and expe­ri­ence the difference.

More trips, more turnover

We firmly believe that mobi­lity is a uni­ver­sal right. No one should be left behind, espe­ci­ally our pati­ents who need it most.

Ever­y­thing in view with modern technology

For us, mobi­lity is more than just get­ting around. It is the key that streng­thens the bonds of our society by con­nec­ting peo­ple, brea­king down bar­riers and buil­ding bridges.

Fast bil­ling, imme­diate payment

Our respon­si­bi­lity does not end with peo­ple. We look ahead and are com­mit­ted to mobi­lity that is in harm­ony with our pla­net and pro­tects it.


In a res­cue con­trol cen­ter, pre­cis­ion, effi­ci­ency and clear com­mu­ni­ca­tion are of the utmost importance. At MOXI, we are aware of the spe­ci­fic chal­lenges you face on a daily basis and offer cus­to­mi­zed solutions.

Relief through digitalization

Every call counts and many at the same time can dis­rupt smooth pro­ces­ses. Our plat­form mini­mi­zes the call load by effi­ci­ently digi­tiz­ing and prio­ri­tiz­ing requests. This means you can focus on the really cri­ti­cal cases and have fewer distractions.

Opti­mi­zed fleet utilization

Not­hing is more inef­fi­ci­ent than a fleet that is not opti­mally uti­li­zed. Our advan­ced dis­patching tech­no­logy ensu­res that each unit is deployed where it is nee­ded most. This maxi­mi­zes avai­la­bi­lity and mini­mi­zes wai­ting times.

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion made easy

Con­nec­ting with pati­ents and medi­cal faci­li­ties is often a chall­enge. Our plat­form enables clear, direct com­mu­ni­ca­tion that informs both sides in real time and sim­pli­fies coordination.


Chal­lenges in pati­ent trans­por­ta­tion in the health­care sector

Pati­ent trans­por­ta­tion in hos­pi­tals is often time-con­sum­ing and com­plex. Manual boo­king of jour­neys by tele­phone leads to inef­fi­ci­ent pro­ces­ses and uncer­tain­ties in coor­di­na­tion. This can lead to pro­blems with bed occu­p­ancy and dis­sa­tis­fac­tion among both nur­sing staff and pati­ents. It is time to address these chal­lenges and improve how pati­ents are trans­por­ted. This is where MOXI comes in to revo­lu­tio­nize the sta­tus quo and opti­mize the health­care workflow.


Opti­mize your pati­ent trans­ports with MOXI

Expe­ri­ence effi­ci­ent coor­di­na­tion and seam­less inte­gra­tion for medi­cal prac­ti­ces and MCCs. Our cus­to­mi­zed solu­tion eli­mi­na­tes delays, con­fu­sion and admi­nis­tra­tive hurd­les to ensure your pati­ents arrive safely and on time.
Learn more about how MOXI sim­pli­fies your work­flows while incre­asing the qua­lity of ser­vice for your customers.


Health insu­rance com­pa­nies are always caught bet­ween the con­flic­ting prio­ri­ties of ser­vice qua­lity for their poli­cy­hol­ders and eco­no­mic effi­ci­ency. MOXI is the key for health insu­rance com­pa­nies that want to both improve ser­vice for their mem­bers and opti­mize inter­nal processes.

Easy & bar­rier-free mobility

MOXI ensu­res that your poli­cy­hol­ders can orga­nize their jour­neys easily and bar­rier-free. A plus point for the ser­vice and satis­fac­tion of your customers.

Trans­pa­rent & reliable

When it comes to bil­ling, you value cla­rity and accu­racy. Our plat­form ensu­res that all bil­ling-rele­vant data is authen­tic and cor­rect. So you can be sure that the facts always cor­re­spond to reality.

Increased effi­ci­ency in testing

MOXI allows you to signi­fi­cantly reduce your inspec­tion workload. Incon­sis­ten­cies? Super­fluous checks? That’s a thing of the past. Ins­tead, you save valuable time and resources.