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Of course, MOXI GmbH com­plies with the EU Gene­ral Data Pro­tec­tion Regu­la­tion and com­plies with the cur­rent data pro­tec­tion regu­la­ti­ons and is GDPR com­pli­ant. All data trans­fers and sto­rage are encrypted. Fur­ther infor­ma­tion on our pri­vacy policy can be found here:

The safety of our pati­ents is our top prio­rity and we want you to always feel safe during your pati­ent trans­por­ta­tion with MOXI. That’s why we only work with pre­mium pro­vi­ders who have expe­ri­en­ced drivers.

Health insu­rance covers the costs of jour­neys if they are neces­sary for medi­cal reasons and pre­scri­bed by a doc­tor. MOXI makes bil­ling easier. As a per­son with sta­tu­tory health insu­rance, you pay ten per­cent of the costs per trip, but at least five euros and a maxi­mum of ten euros. The cost share is wai­ved if you are in need of care and have a care degree.

A KTW (ambu­lance) is a spe­cia­li­zed vehicle equip­ped for the safe trans­port of sick or inju­red per­sons. It has medi­cal faci­li­ties and is accom­pa­nied by qua­li­fied medi­cal per­son­nel. In con­trast, cabs and ren­tal cars pro­vide gene­ral pas­sen­ger trans­por­ta­tion ser­vices wit­hout spe­cia­li­zed medi­cal equip­ment or escort.

MOXI auto­ma­ti­cally con­nects you with the best vehicle adapted to your per­so­nal mobi­lity restrictions.

If you have a pro­blem with your jour­ney, you can cont­act our cus­to­mer ser­vice at any time. You can find all cont­act infor­ma­tion on our website.

If your appoint­ment chan­ges or you need to can­cel a trip, you can do so in your MOXI account. We can only accept can­ce­la­ti­ons up to one hour before the ride. The­r­e­fore, we recom­mend that you make chan­ges and can­ce­la­ti­ons as early as pos­si­ble to ensure that we can pro­cess your request in a timely manner.

You can of course book your trip in advance. Sim­ply enter the desi­red pick-up time and desti­na­tion under Book a ride. You will receive an appoint­ment con­fir­ma­tion via email, text mes­sage, push noti­fi­ca­tion or app message.

Boo­king a ride is very easy. To do this, go to Book a ride and then enter your details and your mobi­lity rest­ric­tion, your desi­red pick-up and desti­na­tion and your desi­red time.