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What advan­ta­ges does MOXI offer me?

MOXI offers a wide range of bene­fits for you, including

  • Sim­pli­fied, inde­pen­dent boo­king of pati­ent journeys
  • Impro­ved adhe­rence to appoint­ments thanks to opti­mi­zed route plan­ning and relia­bi­lity of trans­port services
  • Inclu­sive and bar­rier-free mobility
  • Access to qua­li­fied and relia­ble trans­port services
  • Relief from stressful and time-con­sum­ing trans­por­ta­tion arrangements
  • Ensu­ring a safe and com­for­ta­ble trans­por­ta­tion expe­ri­ence for you
  • Live track­ing of your transportation